We specialise in Acupuncture Sevenoaks, Kent. Acupuncture originates from Chinese medicine and has been used for thousands of years. The Chinese believe that an energy or life force known as Qi (pronounced CHEE) runs through various pathways in your body. There are specific pathways (known as meridian points by Acupuncturists) for each organ of your body and it is imperative for good health that the Qi can flow through these pathways unobstructed.
Acupuncture is the practice of inserting very fine needles into the appropriate meridian points of your body. These needles are surgical steel, sealed in sterilised packaging and always discarded after use. There is little or no pain caused by the needles.
Acupuncture is very safe and gentle and can be used on children, pregnant women and the elderly. It can help with the symptoms of a multitude of conditions from cancer related illness’s and heart disease to sinus problems and menopause, so if you are looking for Acupuncture in Sevenoaks, and think we can help, call today. Acupuncture Sevenoaks can help alleviate the symptoms of: